3 questions to… Jan Křesťan from the Vojenský výzkumný ústav, s.p. (Czech Republic)
We asked 3 questions to Ing. Jan Křesťan, Ph.D. from the Vojenský výzkumný ústav, s.p. (Czech Republic)
Why did your company get involved in the COMMANDS project?
COMMANDS have put together companies with state-of-the-art technologies. Every partner from the Consortium contributes with its specific knowledge, in our case it is Active Protection System.
In COMMANDS project we see the opportunity of further development and application of the microwave sensor technology used for the detection of threats and therefore better protection of military assets and their crews.
The detection technology is implemented with an emphasis on the maximum possible cooperation with other technologies used in military means.
A great benefit for VVU is the interaction among companies at the international level bringing us new ideas and valuable contacts, which may lead to possible further cooperation in different projects.
What is your specific role in the project?
Our role lies in the ability to develop and apply advanced detection technology based on microwave sensor aimed at protecting military assets and their crews against missiles, which are commonly found today in the theatre. It can be realized by using passive protection and by newly developing technology of Active Protection System.
The technology has been developed for the purpose of simple integration into currently used military equipment, therefore it is suitable to utilize it within such a complex project as COMMANDS is.
How do you see the added value of COMMANDS for the European armed forces?
The European armed forces may benefit from the integration of a great number of modern technologies into one project. Results of COMMANDS project will be used in a wide range of applications, such as:
– Increased security of military assets, in this case typically functional protection of a convoy
– Improved mutual cooperation among different military technologies
– Better task fulfillment within the framework of peace support, reconnaissance or combat operations.