Advancing European Defence: COMMANDS project reaches milestone at third General Assembly
The culmination of its third General Assembly and Community of Interest briefing days on 14, 15 and 16 May marks a significant milestone for the COMMANDS project, a ground-breaking initiative supported by the European Commission through the European Defence Fund (EDF 2021) and coordinated by Sener Aerospace and Defence and Vetronics Research Centre EU.
Hosted by the Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna in Warsaw, Poland, the meeting served as a platform for 21 COMMANDS partners to share updates and present their contributions to distinguished representatives from the Ministries of Defence of Poland, Spain and Cyprus.
The event kicked off with the Project Coordinator Lukasz Poweska (Sener Defence and Aerospace), who summarized the general idea behind the project, together with its management situation:
“The two main events – Community of Interest briefing days and General Assembly, which took place in recent days provided us with an opportunity to share the project situation, as well as its results with the End Users and Supporting Member States. Moreover, the Consortium was able to exchange its achievements and development status in the currently executed Work Packages. Both types of those events are found crucial in project execution, professional relationships creation, exchange of experience and critical reviews of technical accomplishments”, he commented after the event.
Elias Stipidis (VRC EU), COMMANDS Technical Coordinator, continued the meeting by underlining the strides made in technical advancements, stressing that the importance of technical innovations developed in the frame of COMMANDS development phase will allow us to successfully reach the project goals.
“COMMANDS has achieved successfully the first two Milestones in Study and Design, with these giving guidance to the current development phase. We are well on the way in producing some significant outputs with some prime innovations, and most importantly we are learning a lot in the processes we are developing in particular for Certification and Qualification of human machine cooperative systems”, he declared.
COMMANDS aims to provide European ground forces with an advanced system of systems fostering seamless cooperation between different manned and unmanned assets. Its overall objective is to reduce operational risks, thereby increasing the information superiority and agility of European forces.
As the project evolves, it remains at the forefront of technological innovation, ready to revolutionise European defence capabilities.