COMMANDS Project concludes phase 2 with successful General Assembly, paving the way for development in phase 3
The COMMANDS project, a pioneering initiative selected by the European Commission under the auspices of the European Defence Fund (EDF 2021) and coordinated by Sener Aerospace and Defence, marked a significant milestone with the conclusion of its second General Assembly and first Community of Interest Briefing Days held on 28th, 29th, and 30th November. Hosted by General Dynamics European Land Systems Santa Barbara Sistemas in Seville, Spain, the meeting provided a platform for 21 partners of COMMANDS to present their work to esteemed representatives from the European Commission and various Ministries of Defence officials from Spain, Italy and Poland.
The three-day event served as the culmination of Phase 2, an intensive 8-month period dedicated to preparation of coherent design approach for the Technology Demonstrators and preparation of CONOPS (Concept of Operations) and critical requirements. The comprehensive efforts undertaken in Phase 2 have laid a solid foundation for Phase 3, which is focused on the actual development of technologies and systems that will be presented in the Mobile and Laboratory Demonstrators.
Acknowledgement of a significant step forward in developing a solution that effectively meets the needs of the Armed forces
The event was opened by the Project Coordinator Lukasz Poweska (Sener Defence and Aerospace), who emphasized about the importance of the project on the European defence market, outstanding progress made by the consortium in the first year and significance of the project´s outcomes in terms of enhanced capabilities and safety of European forces.
During the meeting, the European Commission’s Project Officer Martin Jõesaar gave very positive feedback on the implementation of the project and acknowledged the considerable efforts made by the consortium so far.
Supported by 7 Member States, COMMANDS aims to equip European ground forces with a cutting-edge system of systems, fostering reliable and effective cooperation between diverse manned and unmanned assets. The overarching goal is to contribute to the reduction of operational risks, thereby enhancing the information superiority and maneuvering capabilities of the European Armed Forces.
As the project progresses into its next phase, COMMANDS remains at the forefront of technological innovation, poised to reshape the landscape of European defence capabilities.
COMMANDS partners : Sener Aerospace & Defence (project coordinator), Vetronics Research Centre EU Ltd (technical coordinator), Indra Sistemas, S.A., GDELS Santa Bárbara Sistemas S.A., Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial, Leonardo, Iveco Defence Vehicles S.p.A, Politecnico di Milano, Link Campus University, INTRACOM DEFENSE S.A., iKnowHow SA, SKYLD Security and Defence Ltd, SignalGeneriX LTD, EIGHT BELLS LTD, MASA Group, LNE, SCERTAS GmbH, Baltic Institute of Advanced Technology (BPTI), Clavister, Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna , VOJENSKY VYZKUMNY USTAV SP.
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